Exercising can help with marketing. A lot of people are working desk jobs. They’re sitting there several hours at a time, not really getting up. If you’re trying to pursue marketing and get your name out there to get your brand out there, then it’s vital to constantly be creating content and constantly being creative. Getting your name out there, whether it’s videos, posts, all sorts of stuff, articles.
So there was a study that I want to talk about that actually proved essentially that when people are exercising, they’re actually more creative. It talked about how when people are exercising that they are being more creative. Very successful CEOs like Steve Jobs was known for his walking meetings and Mark Zuckerberg was known to do exercise meetings. So essentially what the study did was they gathered about 176 students to in four different experiments and what they would do is they would try and see how the divergent thinking processes would go. This means they would give objects to these people and have certain people exercising and then ask them to think about alternate uses for the object. It showed that the ones that were exercising more we’re actually more able to think of all sorts of uses for the object which would prove most likely that exercising would promote creativity.
So if you’re struggling to produce more content or struggling to get the brand out there, something good to do would be to just go for a walk. This is not only to get yourself out of your environment, but also to get the creative juices flowing, get the endorphins flowing. You can go to the gym or take the stairs instead of the elevator, so that you’re constantly thinking of new stuff, constantly being creative. It will help get your name out there.
So essentially that’s something to think about if you’re struggling you can get out there, switch it up a little bit, go for a walk go or a run and the creative juices should start flowing. Then you can start thinking of content and help to brand yourself.